Jim Parsons (Sheldon Cooper)

The Outline
Jim Parsons, known as Sheldon Cooper in the comedy TV Show The Big Bang Theory is a TV actor. He was born on March 24, 1973 in Houston in Texas in USA. He's been active in his career since 1994. In 2009, he won the Individual Achievement In Comedy Award in the TCA Awards. In 2010 & 2011, he won Outstanding Lead Actor In a Comedy Series in the Emmy Awards. In 2011, he also won Best Comedy Actor Award in Golden Globe Awards & also in Critics Choice Television Awards.

His Role In The Big Bang Theory
Jim Parsons acts as Sheldon Cooper in the TV Show, 'The Big Bang Theory'. He is seen as a character who is fixated to science and studies. He does not understand sarcasm. He is straight forward and not understanding sarcasm means he is not diplomatic. He believes in an organized way of living life. Time for brushing, breakfast etc are all planned. Laundry Night is also planned. Basic regulations are set up in his house. He has also set up a room mate agreement which was to be approved by Leonard if he had to stay with Sheldon. In Season 5, he also has a relationship agreement with Ami. He does not drive. He has a certain hate towards Penny in the show because of her easy going attitude and low knowledge of science. When he pranks on the others, he has a special term to himself, Bazinga. The special pranks, science nerd & not understanding sarcasm not only make him the perfect actor but also the backbone of the Big Bang Theory.

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